Monday, May 14, 2012

A Word on Security…
            In order to better serve our customers and send money-saving coupons, we save your order history and address into our online database. However, do not worry; your information is safe and secure. Firstly, we only keep information that we absolutely need such as your orders and address. We do not keep your credit card number or other payment methods. Therefore, there is no need to worry about getting your credit card number stolen. Secondly, our IT manager has installed firewalls on our database to ensure no one hacks into our files. All of our customer information is securely stored with in the firewall protected network, preventing theft. Next, we have a string of number and letter combination passwords that are impossible to guess. We are also changing passwords every two months to make sure previous employees cannot reenter the system. Only employees that mail coupons and analyze your order history are allowed to enter the database. Therefore, access is restricted to every other employee. Lastly, in order to prevent theft, there are no hard copies of our database. Even if somebody was to break into our office, there would not be a hard copy of our database to steal. Therefore, at Barista Blend your information is safe and secure.    

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