Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Technology

We wish to thank the viewers of our blog with a great big smile!
And a 20% discount for any drink from Barista Blend via our website.  Barista Blend is striving to reach more customers with a very customizable menu and greater convenience.  You are now able to order any drink from our website and have it ready to pick up at the nearest Barista Blend location.  Please create a Barista account and order today!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Gotta Get Them Beans

                As a proud producer of exotic beverages and snacks, we at Barista Blend pride ourselves on providing our customers with the freshest coffee beans, fruits and snacks.  It is our goal to ensure that every cup of coffee is made with only the best ingredients.  We promise our customers great quality coffee and to up keep that promise we make sure to work with the best supplies.

                It is very important to us at Barista Blend to receive our products to make your coffee only from the most reliable suppliers.  From our strawberry farmers to coffee farmers to cake makers, we strive to have great relationships within our organization to provide you the best cup of coffee.  Every day we consistently check to make sure fruits, coffee beans and more are picked at their ripest and sent over to our shops in record time.  We also make sure our cleanliness is next to godliness in all of our means of transportation, and storage.  We take the best possible care of our products to give you the best cup of coffee. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Word on Security…
            In order to better serve our customers and send money-saving coupons, we save your order history and address into our online database. However, do not worry; your information is safe and secure. Firstly, we only keep information that we absolutely need such as your orders and address. We do not keep your credit card number or other payment methods. Therefore, there is no need to worry about getting your credit card number stolen. Secondly, our IT manager has installed firewalls on our database to ensure no one hacks into our files. All of our customer information is securely stored with in the firewall protected network, preventing theft. Next, we have a string of number and letter combination passwords that are impossible to guess. We are also changing passwords every two months to make sure previous employees cannot reenter the system. Only employees that mail coupons and analyze your order history are allowed to enter the database. Therefore, access is restricted to every other employee. Lastly, in order to prevent theft, there are no hard copies of our database. Even if somebody was to break into our office, there would not be a hard copy of our database to steal. Therefore, at Barista Blend your information is safe and secure.    

Monday, May 7, 2012

There is no competition

With coffee shops on every other corner these days, we know there is plenty of competition.  This competition was not alleviated when we opened our new location in New York City.

However, we at Barista Blend know that there truly is no competition to our high quality tropical flavors, and top of the line customer service.  To help you, the customer, see this to be true we are opening our doors to the Barista Blend Club.

Coffe Club Card
You can simply ask for a frequent buyers card with any purchase.  With every 5 drinks purchased the 6th is on the house!  Not only that, but if you take the 30 seconds to sign up (which can now be down quickly with our business card scanners) not only will your 6th coffee be on us, but your very first mouth watering beverage as a new member of the Barista Blend Club will be covered for you by yours truly. Barsita Blend!

 So please, come by soon to become a member and see why, now more than ever, their is NO substitute to the Barista Blend beverages!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Location in New York

          As our friends and loyal customers leave university city to pursue their dreams they miss the exciting drinks and relaxing atmosphere of Barista Blend.  We have received many heartfelt comments and suggestions from our friends and feel that it is now time to expand.  Looking at the demographics of our customers we have decided that New York is a great place to be.  It enables us at Barista Blend to continue to be the adventure away from the bland and the tropical retreat away from the city.
          Yet we are a coffee shop that will constantly adapt and change with our flavors and drinks.  What will the New York Branch bring?  It will bring an even greater variety of drinks as we cater to the professionals in the city.  Now executives, managers, and staff can now relax together over a Tropic Freeze (Blue fruit punch, blueberry blend) or negotiate a deal over a lemon ice pop game.  We are a place that creates memories and brings people together to create a unique family.  
          From the city of brotherly love comes a new experience.  So New Yorkers, visit our Barista Blend branch!  We will strive to meet your expectations with our quality service and avant-guarde products.  At Barista Blend, it is always time for something new.