Monday, June 4, 2012

A short word from our Management Team

Good evening Barista Blend bloggers.   Once again our management team has been hard at work to make your experience at Barista Blend better still.  Recently our accounting department has acquired a new SaaS cloud service, Biz Automation.   

 What does that mean and how does that affect me you ask? 
                Well you’ve asked the right question!   

Through our newly implemented system Barista Blend can now keep better track of your various credit/debit cards and your credit terms,  speed up your wait time for your coffee, increase efficiency in the supply chain thus providing you with better quality and more variety, and keep in better touch with our customers via our synchronized email accounts.  

Biz Automation provides the best quality accounting services for small up and coming businesses so that we can continue to provide you with the best quality cup of coffee around.  Its 95% service availability rate and quick system response time relieves us of what used to be hours of work to mere minutes allowing us to focus on what matters most, you our customers and your needs.

Our Suppliers

Many of you may be wondering where we get our supplies from. This question has many, many answers. To begin, our coffee beans are imported 3 times a week from a plantation in Quindio, Columbia. We have built a great relationship with them, and we can always count on our shipments. Just south of Columbia is where we get our rich sugarcane. A private company is Brazil delievers sugarcane to our store at least twice a month. To the left of Brazil is Chile, where we get our delicious Kiwis. On othe other side of the world is Oman, where we get our fresh coconuts. The humidity in Oman is just right and allows the coconuts to harvest perfectly. 

Not everything on our menu is imported from foreign lands. In fact, most of our supplies is grow right here in the United States!The pinapples that are used in most tropical coffees and smoothies come directly from our pinapple farm in Maui. Out in California, you may see strawberries fields forever, that is why we can always rely on quality strawberries from California. The oranges that are included in all citrus flavors are grown in Florida. All of our coffee cups and paper products are produced by PrintGlobe, located in the U.S. We can rely on them to fit our logo on whatever kind of product that we need. Our shipping partner in the United States is UPS. Their quick and on time deliveries give us one less thing to worry about.

Social Media Traffic

With social networking taking over our days and lives, we at Barista Blend thought it is a great time to capitalize on this.  Not only do we blog here, but you can add us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

We have been watching our traffic on this site grow since we have opened thanks to all of you!  Keep on promoting your new favorite coffee shop.  Take some pictures and tag us on Instagram, tell everyone you are here on FourSquare.  The more people that hear about us, the better for everyone.

We will be coming up with a few promotions, if we reach a certain amount views in a day, or in a week, we will have a special discount the next day.  Also, if you have a site directing hits our way, we will be sure to reward you handsomely!

Hopeful we will see you soon and give you some of your favorite drinks around. (And all of your friends)